Day 1 -- Plane is late 6:30 instead of 6. "the plane is getting a security check and being cleaned", no biggie right? right. 6:30 becomes 7. We taxi out. the emergency procedures are given. the pilot announces we are 5th in line for take off. we wait a bit. then we wait a little more. we begin a long taxi maneuver. real long. then out the window i notice we are approaching the gate area. hmmm. something is wrong. a buzz goes through the plane as we stop. the pilot announces that there is an emergency. someone is ill. an atlanta lime green emt rescue vehicle pulls up as the metal stairs are put in place outside the plane. people are looking around . 2 emts get on the plane with defibralators and go to the back. after 5 minutes they leave and behind a sheepish looking guy in a yellow tshirt and a black backpack with a wife/girlfriend file out of the plane. the pilot announces the emergency is over but now we need to refuel. 8:15 we pull out and finally take off. i'm a little tense.... until I get my tangeray and tonic gratis because of the delay. finally i feel like i'm on vacation.
we land and speed through customs and baggage claim. i head out the big doors, brushing aside appeals for taxis, hotels, tour guides and prostitutes (just kidding i think). martha is sitting at a table and I yell "Martha!". We head in to Cancun and find our eco hotel,.........El Rey de Caribe. demonia azul. It's hot out. Concierige Abelardo is gracious and helpful. we taxi to a restaurant, its closed. we walk in the heat and humidity for a tortilla, back to the hotel for a dip in the pool. fantastico!